Thursday, October 25, 2007

How technology changed my life.

the definition of technology: Human innovation in action that involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities. 2. The innovation, change, or modification of the natural environment to satisfy perceived human needs and wants.

technology has changed my life in many ways...... to the way i dress to the things i use.
technology has to do with many things i use technology everyday. i love technology!
technology involves everything including the music i listen to on my mp3 to the pencils i use instead of just plain old pencil i use mechanical . also technology has changed a lot with phones too.
without technology my life would be hard and really boring. i would totally go crazy with out technology.

technology has made things so much easier in many ways and harder in other ways(:
technology has is in my daily routine. technology is all around us theres no escaping technology,
even if you dont notice you use it everyday. Even doing the most thing simple thing like using a pencil thats consitered using technology. I LOVE TECHNOLOGY AND I WOULD DIE WTHOUT IT!


jacky said...

go to

from xinyi

Edvin said...


Miss Mary said...

mary loves melissa!!
she's so totally jealous!